Monday, August 9, 2010

The Finch Whole Stole Tidbits

In a previous post I said our resident House Finch couple deserved some better photos and today I got some! Yes they are common feeder birds but you have to admit they are pretty cool. The intense raspberry coloring of the dude and the sublime understated streaking of our lady bird... yeah they are ready for a night out dancing, me thinks. So here they are, in my best photo taking abilities at present. All three of these images I took with my super secret spy rig. "What's that," you say? Merely pictures taken with my point and shoot aimed straight through my 8X42 Nikon Monarchs. Sometimes they come out half decent. You do what you can when you can't yet throw down the three grand for a high-end DSLR. One day... So tell me, what's in YOUR backyard??

(Click any of the photos below for a closer view)

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of snapping a pic through the binocs! Will try it myself. Added House Finch to my list today!
