Well.... I haven't been able to slip out birding for awhile- you know real life responsibilities and all, but I HAVE been able to bring the winged wonders to me! I finished my backyard bird-feeding station not too long ago, even more than what I'd previously
posted. I added a mulch bed, planted a Butterfly Bush and transplanted some Hostas along the border. Since then the word has caught on and we are burning seed for the neighborhood gang! Nothing out of the ordinary but still very fun to watch. Here's a couple of snapshots from out of the back window. The max number I think we hit is around 30 - 40 thanks to the (of course) house sparrow herd.
About 33 birds at one time here - mostly House Sparrows
Our local Blue Jay - sometimes he sounds like a hawk... sometimes a monkey
Cardinal, Mourning Dove, Goldfinch (behind the bag) and House Sparrow
Our resident pair of breeding Cardinals - they fledged 3 offspring this year
A beautiful House Finch - he deserves a better photo...Total list of all backyard birds so far:
1) American Goldfinch
2) Mourning Dove
3) House Sparrow
4) House Finch
5) Song Sparrow
6) Northern Cardinal
7) Blue Jay
That's all for now - happy birding!
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